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School Information for OLDE TOWN STONEY CREEK 


-HWDSB moving forward with building an addition on Collegiate



- Collegiate, Green Acres & RL Hyslop Information



- Eastdale Information

- HWDSB Trustees, Minister of Education & Local MPP's


ABOVE: HWDSB Lower Stoney Creek Planning & Accomodation Review Map

Anchor 1

Moving forward with addition on 


In January 2018, it was announced that the HWDSB will be moving forward with plans for building an addition on to Collegiate Avenue Elementary School, to consolidate the over 500 elementary students in Olde Town Stoney Creek. 

All students from Green Acres & RL Hyslop Elementary Schools, along with a portion of current Collegiate students will attend the renovated school on the Collegiate site 




  • will cost over $10 million to update and build an addition, combining Mininstry & Board funds- that is nearly the same cost as building an entirely new facility, not to mention any unforeseen costs during the renovation

  • is the 2nd oldest elementary school building in Lower Stoney Creek ( LSC), built in 1954, with multiple additions over the years- the only older school will be closed

  • highest percentage on the Facility Condition Index (FCI) compared to all other elementary schools located in LSC-meaning it is in the poorest condition, even compared to other schools slated for closure

  • will have a capacity of over 500 students, in addition to private daycare spaces- currently one of the largest student registrations in LSC

  • is in an area slated for population intensification by the City of Hamilton and the Ontario Municipal Board- with many developments already underway

  • is the only elementary school in LSC that did not receive full funding from the Ministry of Education for a complete rebuild




While such a large investment into LSC Elementary Schools is a phenomenal achievement, residents and parents in the Olde Downtown area are left with concerns and questions around this major change in plans.


Our community was only ever consulted and engaged on a complete rebuild of the school. Many residents are still unaware of this change in plans, what it means and how it will impact our children and community as a whole.  


Of the 3 school closures taking place in LSC, 2 of them are located in the Olde Town Community. We will bear the majority of closures, yet are receiving the least investment back into our community.


1.    Why was Collegiate Avenue denied funding for a full rebuild?


When comparing all elementary schools in LSC, Collegiate is one of the oldest buildings and scored the lowest on the FCI ratings.

 It will also be used to consolidate students from 3 schools and will already have one of the larger enrolment rates, in an area slated for housing and population densification by the OMB and City of Hamilton. 


2.    Is building an addition onto a building in such poor repair a responsible investment of public funds?


Trustees and residents alike have questioned the feasibility of building an addition while staying on budget. Not to mention that the total estimated cost for an addition and upgrades is already not that far off from the cost of a full rebuild.

One also has to question the long-term sustainability and unforeseen expenses that will inevitably continue on such a dated site. 
What type of facility will our community be left with and at what total cost? How much more will this dated facility cost taxpayers in the long run?

How long before our community will need a larger school?


3.     How can the current site be redesigned to ensure safety, while accommodating the influx of students and traffic?


The current school building stretches across the only accessible side of the property, leaving 2 narrow access points into the school yard on either side and limited space for a main entrance, bus loading and parking lot access. With such an increase in pedestrian and vehicular traffic, how will the limited space be reconfigured to ensure proper accessibility for over 500 students, a daycare, staff, parents and more?


4.    Building an addition will mean the loss of valuable green space in an area with very limited parklands.


The school yard at Collegiate Avenue is one of the only accessible green spaces in the surrounding area. The addition will inevitably take up a larger footprint on the site than a rebuild, in addition to expanding the parking lot and school access points. How will this loss of accessible natural space impact local residents and children?


5.    How will having one of the only dated Elementary facilities in the area impact our community?


Our community was not engaged on the concept of building an addition onto Collegiate Avenue to consolidate all of the elementary school students in our area. How does this align with the Ministry’s plan to engage communities?
Will this school create an adequate and competitive learning environment for our children? Will new homeowners be interested in moving to an area with a dated facility? Will parents want to enrol their children in the only dated facility in the area?



After completing an Accommodation Review for Lower Stoney Creek (LSC), the HWDSB approved the plan to close 3 of the 6 elementary schools in this area, while applying to the Ontario Ministry of Education for funding to fully rebuild the 3 remaining schools to consolidate all students in the area.

In October 2016, HWDSB received news that they had received full funding ($11.5 million) to rebuild Eastdale Elementary, and were even granted more funds than requested, to make the school larger than originally planned. (Likely to accommodate for the recently approved French Immersion Program at this site)

In June 2017, HWDSB received word on the other two schools; Memorial would receive funding for a full rebuild and Collegiate Avenue would receive $6 million for a 213 student addition and 3 daycare rooms.

($2 million of which is designated for the construction of a Private Daycare)

In December 2017, the HWDSB passed a motion to ask the Ministry of Education to hold the $6 million granted for an addition, while they reapplied for full funding to rebuild the school. However, the news in January was not what was hoped for. The Ontario Ministry of Education denied the request to hold the previously granted funds, therefor launching the HWDSB to move forward with building the addition on the school. 

Despite local parents and residents lobbying for a complete rebuild of Collegiate Avenue with depositions, a petition and letters to various government representatives, the School Board will move forward with the addition.  

encouraging responsible and sustainable spending on the only public elementary facility to remain in our community.


Minister of Education

MPP Hon. Mitizie Hunter


MPP Paul Miller


MPP Ted McMeekin



Above: a view of Collegiate Avenue Public School

Above: HWDSB map showing the current and new school boundaries for Lower Stoney Creek

Above: Google Satellite map of Olde Town Stoney Creek- STUDENTS IN THIS AREA WILL BE CONSOLIDATED AT THE COLLEGIATE SCHOOL (Red Pin)

Above: The Main Entrance at Collegiate Avenue Public School

Above: HWDSBs Block Drawing of possible design for an addition & renovation on Collegiate- 1st storey

Above: HWDSBs Block Drawing of possible design for an addition & renovation on Collegiate- 2nd storey

Above: HWDSBs Block Drawing of possible site layout for an addition, new parking area & bus turnaround at Collegiate site

Above: A chart showing HWDSB Population Projections for new LSC Schools

Above: A HWDSB chart showing 2016 enrollment and future enrollment projections for all current LSC Schools- taken from LSC Accomodation Review


 * Located in Olde Town Stoney Creek

School Name                         Year Built         FCI Score         New Capacity    2016 Enrolment

Collegiate Avenue*            1955               54%                513                 278

Eastdale                             1965               51%                564                 219

Memorial                            1956               37%                495                 358

Mountain View                   1949               51%                N/A                 231

Green Acres*                      1957               48%                N/A                 295

RL Hyslop*                          1966               41%                N/A                 160


The Collegiate Ave building will be the only one of the above buildings to continue being used as an elementary school facility.

Above: An image of the crumbling foundation on Collegiate Avenue School- 2017

Above: A rear entrance from the school yard of Collegiate Avenue Public School

Above: A rear entrance from the school yard of Collegiate Avenue Public School 


Olde Town Stoney Creek is a beautiful, unique  community on the cusp of major change and revitalization. After the closures of 2 schools in our community, Collegiate Avenue Public School will be our only remaining elementary school, to accommodate over 500 students.


Collegiate Avenue was the only elementary school in Lower Stoney Creek that did not receive full funding from the Ministry of Education for a rebuild, despite being in the worst condition and one of the oldest school buildings in the area.


With the cost of much needed upgrades (at least $4.35 million from the HWDSB) in addition to the funds slotted for the addition ($6 million from the Ministry of Education), it will cost nearly as much to update and enlarge this declining facility, as it would to build a brand new, state of the art school. How is this a wise investment of public funds, or for the future of our community, when this dated building will almost inevitably cost more in upkeep, utilities and further upgrades over the long-term?




Parents and residents of Olde Town Stoney Creek are left with major questions and concerns about the safety, sustainability and impact this will have on our children and community. 

In December 2017, the HWDSB passed a motion to ask the Ministry of Education to hold the $6 million granted for an addition, while they reapply for full funding to rebuild the school. If the Ministry does not agree to hold the funds prior to January 31st 2018, the HWDSB will move forward with plans for the addition.

Please support our petition and encourage our government to invest public funds wisely for the future of Olde Town Stoney Creek. 

Above: A view of the Kindergarten Yard at Collegiate Avenue Public School in 2017

Above: HWDSBs Recommended Walking Distances for new elementary schools in LSC

Above: Google Maps view of current Collegiate School site- showing only 2 access points to school yard

Above: A view of Collegiate School and the parking lot- currently 25 spaces

Above: Bus loading area and front of Collegiate School


Anchor 3

WARD 5 TRUSTEE: Carole Paikin Miller


Carole Paikin Miller was elected to serve as HWDSB School Trustee for Ward 5 in 2019





Phone: 365.336.4480


Minister of Education



MPP Paul Miller



HWDSB Stoney Creek

Funding Letter- June 19, 2017

HWDSB Collegiate Avenue

Renewal Letter- June 28, 2017

HWDSB 2017 Long Term 

Facilities Master Plan


Anchor 2

The HWDSB has major reconfiguration planned for lower Stoney Creek over the next few years. As part of a plan to close Green Acres, R.L. Hyslop and Mountain View, the HWDSB applied for funding to rebuild the remaining 3 schools in Lower Stoney Creek, including Eastdale, Memorial and Collegiate Avenue. In October 2017, the Board announced it received funding to build a new 564 student school on the Eastdale site. 

In June 2017, the Board announced it had also received funding to build a new 495 student school on the Memorial site, however had only received partial funding to build a 213 student addition on the Collegiate school, rather than the proposed new 513 student school. 
In January 2017, HWDSB announced that they will be moving forward with constructing an addition onto the existing Collegiate Ave School. 


School Closures:

RL Hyslop                 Estimated June 2019

Green Acres             Estimated June 2019

Mountain View         Estimated June 2019


School Rebuilds:

Eastdale                    Estimated September 2020

Memorial                   Estimated September 2020


School Additions:

Collegiate Avenue    Unknown at this time



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